Kid Paddle is a Belgian, French and Canadian co-produced animated series. It aired on Teletoon, Sundays at 4:00 am, EST, but is currently on an indefinite hiatus. The show is based on the long running popular Franco-Belgian comic series of the same name, created by Michel Ledent.
Jessica Kardos
Caroline Lallau
as Carole Paddle
Nathalie Bienaimé
as Kid Paddle/Max/la prof de gym de Kid/voix additionnelles
Dorothée Pousséo
as Horace
Vincent de Boüard
as Big Bang
Yann Le Madic
as Monsieur Benjamin/voix additionnelles
Mélody Dubos
as Max
Pierre-François Pistorio
as Marcel Paddle/Grand-Père Paddle/Mirador