Boys of fourteen years old find themselves in the Suvorov school – someone thanks to family tradition, someone for the sake of high ideals, and someone not even of their own free will. Having entered Suvorovskoye, the guys at first do not represent the full extent of the load, and most importantly, the responsibility that will have a profound impact on their subsequent life.
Александр Головин
as Максим Макаров
Boris Korchevnikov
as Илья Синицын
Артур Сопельник
as Александр Трофимов
Аристарх Венес
as Илья Сухомлин
Кирилл Емельянов
as Алексей Сырников
Вадим Андреев
as Павел Василюк
Владимир Стеклов
as Иван Кантемиров
Сергей Жолобов
as Вадим Ротмистров
Валерий Баринов
as Александр Ноздрев
Александр Пороховщиков
as Леонид Матвеев
Елена Захарова
as Полина Ольховская
Svetlana Varetskaya
as Эмма Белова