In a small quiet village in the Ardennes, a sixteen-year-old girl disappears into the forest after calling her teacher in the middle of the night. Captain Gaspard Deker, a former soldier and newly arrived single father is conducting the investigation with Virginie Musso, the local cop. Also helping is the teacher, Eve Mendel, a solitary young woman with a mysterious past: she was found as a child by the villiage doctor wandering silently in the same forest.
Samuel Labarthe
as Gaspard Decker
Suzanne Clément
as Virginie Musso
Alexia Barlier
as Eve Mendel
Frédéric Diefenthal
as Vincent Musso
Patrick Ridremont
as Thierry Rouget
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6