This Canadian cartoon focuses on two monkey brothers named Gus and Wally who are in outer space working as GASI agents (Galactic Animal Space Institute agents, so no pun intended!). They are accompanied by their robot friend YAY-OK and their boss Dr. Chimpsky as they are sent on missions to accomplish different tasks, including defeating their enemies.
Seán Cullen
as Gus / Nefarious / Deep Space Dave (voice)
Mark Robert Edwards
as Wally (voice)
David Berni
as YAY-OK (voice)
Jamie Watson
as Dr. Chimpsky / He-Rilla (voice)
Mark McKinney
as Lord Peel (voice)
Shoshana Sperling
as She-Rilla / Tina (voice)
Kayla Lorette
as Monkevil (voice)
Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang
as Bernice (voice)
Mark Little
as Gamester-X (voice)
Teresa Pavlinek
as Slo-Mo (voice)