Hello everyone, I'm Maya the Bee! What do I love? Freedom! That's why I live in the meadow instead of the hive. I have a thousand and one adventures with my friends: Shelby snail, Max the worm ... and of course Willy! Willy is very lazy and greedy ... But he's my best friend. Together, we go on an many adventures! Let's go!
Zalina Sanchez
as Maja (Voice)
Hans-Jürgen Dittberner
as Flip (Voice)
Ben Hadad
as Ben (Voice)
Sonja Deutsch
as Königin (Voice)
Lukas Till Berglund
as Max (Voice)
Axel Lutter
as Paul (Voice)
Klaus-Dieter Klebsch
as Piekser
Gerd Meyer
as Willi (Voice)
Bernhard Völger
as Rufus (Voice)
Lothar Blumhagen
as Richter Bienenwachs (Voice)
Juana-Maria von Jascheroff
as Frau Kassandra