"Mariana & Scarlett" centers on two sisters with dreams of fashion success. Their close bond is tested when they fall for the same man, Roberto. Set in the glamorous fashion world, the telenovela explores the complexity of sisterhood, love, and ambition, leading to a dramatic love triangle filled with betrayal.
Carolina Guerra
as Scarlett García
Carolina Acevedo
as Mariana García
Patrick Delmas
as Roberto White / Bobby Casablanca
Bianca Arango
as Beatriz Durán
Juliana Galvis
as Lina Durán
Juan Diego Sánchez
as Fernando "Fercho" León
Alejandro López
as Miguel Ángel Lozano
Nicole Santamaría
as Adriana "Adri" del Pilar
Andrés Parra
as Antonio "Tony" Buendia