Jack the Ripper is a 1988 two-part television film/miniseries portraying a fictionalized account of the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the unidentified serial killer responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888. The series coincided with the 100th anniversary of the murders.
Michael Caine
as Inspector Frederick Abberline
Jane Seymour
as Emma
Lewis Collins
as Sergeant George Godley
Armand Assante
as Richard Mansfield
Lysette Anthony
as Mary Jane Kelly
Michael Gothard
as George Lusk
T. P. McKenna
as O'Connor
Richard Morant
as Dr. Acland
Christopher Fulford
as Beggar
Harry Andrews
as Coroner Wynne Baxter
Peter Armitage
as Sergeant Kerby
Hugh Fraser
as Sir Charles Warren