La Patrona is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami and Mexican Argos Comunicación. The telenovela is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela La Dueña, written by José Ignacio Cabrujas.
The name reflects a local term or slang in Mexico to address a person recognized as the main boss. However, the title is also a reflection of both the protagonist and the antagonist struggle to conquer power, authority and respect in a labor field traditionally deemed to be a man's job.
Aracely Arámbula
as Gabriela Suárez / Verónica Dantés
Jorge Luis Pila
as Alejandro Beltrán Guerra
Christian Bach
as Antonia Guerra
Erika de la Rosa
as Irene Montemar
Gonzalo García Vivanco
as Lucho Vampa
Aldo Gallardo
as Ricardo Villegas Goldstein
Christian de la Campa
as Alberto Espino
Diego Soldano
as Rodrigo Balmaceda "Mano de Hierro"