The show's premise revolves around a pair of twin sisters who were separated when they were young, and as adults the younger sister is forced to act as a "replacement" for her wealthy twin who wants to temporarily leave her husband and his family to enjoy a life of luxury with multiple lovers.
Gabriela Spanic
as Paulina Martínez / Paola Bracho
Fernando Colunga
as Carlos Daniel Bracho
Libertad Lamarque
as Abuela Piedad vda de Bracho
Chantal Andere
as Estefanía Bracho de Montero
Juan Pablo Gamboa
as Willy Montero
Magda Guzmán
as Fidelina
Dominika Paleta
as Gema Durán Bracho
Marcelo Buquet
as Rodrigo Bracho
Jessica Jurado
as Patricia de Bracho
Paty Díaz
as Lalita Pérez
Alejandro Ruiz
as Leandro Gómez
Sergio Miguel
as Carlitos Bracho