SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties.
Heinz Marecek
as Hannes Kofler
Andrea L'Arronge
as Gräfin Schönberg
Ferry Öllinger
as Kroisleitner
Kristina Sprenger
as Karin Kofler
Christine Klein
as Frau Dr. Haller
Jakob Seeböck
as Lukas Roither
Hans Sigl
as Andreas Blitz
Andreas Kiendl
as Major Klaus Lechner
Julia Cencig
as Nina Pokorny