Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks located in Città della Pieve.
Manuela Arcuri
as Paola Vitali
Ettore Bassi
as Andrea Ferri
Pino Caruso
as Giuseppe Capello
Francesco Giuffrida
as Leonardo "Leo" Bini
Giampiero Lisarelli
as Carlo Prosperi
Vincenzo Crocitti
as Vittorio Bordi
Andrea Roncato
as Costante Romanò
Paolo Villaggio
as Giovanni Benelli
Alessandro Partexano
as Antonio Mura
Martina Colombari
as Gioia Capello
Sergio Albelli
as Alessandro Gigante
Massimo Rinaldi
as Maurizio Ranieri