Miss XV follows the story of two teenage best friends, Valentina and Natalia, (who were born on the same day at the same hour), who dream of the perfect quinceañera birthday party, and long to become the girlfriends of their respective crushes, Niko and Eddy.
Paulina Goto
as Valentina Contreras
Natasha Dupeyrón
as Natalia De Acosta
Eleazar Gómez
as Alexis Reyes
Yago Muñoz
as Nicolás "Nico" Pérez
Jack Duarte
as Eduardo "Edy" Contreras
Macarena Achaga
as Leonora Martínez
Raquel Garza
as Catalina Rosenda de los Montero y Galicia de García
Gabriela Platas
as Marina Landeros Arizpe
Verónica Jaspeado
as Margara Ramona "Magos" Contreras
as Juana Palacios / Señorita Venenosa
Antonio de Carlo
as Arístides Reyes / Magic Dragon
Sergio DeFassio
as Rómulo Pedraza Sotelo