Munting Heredera or Little Heiress is a Filipino family-oriented drama series created and developed by Maryo J. de los Reyes for GMA Network. Playing the lead role of Doña Anastacia, a rich widow in search of her "munting heredera", is the multi-award winning actress and one of the original Queens of Philippine cinema, Gloria Romero, making her television debut. The show was first shown on May 9, 2011, replacing Dwarfina on GMA Network and on May 11, 2011, on GMA Pinoy TV.
Worldwide, via GMA Pinoy TV, the quality of the picture is much finer but is still at 480i, though digitally mastered.
The series was extended for five weeks more than its original plan, but after one week the show was extended again for an additional five weeks for the second time. A third extension of 10 weeks was made.
The series concluded on February 3, 2012, and was replaced by Biritera. It ran for thirty nine weeks with the total of 195 episodes.
Gloria Romero
as Anastacia "Ana" Montereal-Lobregat
Mark Anthony Fernandez
as Jacob Montereal
Camille Prats
as Sandra Santiago-Montereal/Susan Velasco
Katrina Halili
as Lynette Sarmiento-Montereal
Roderick Paulate
as Emmanuel "Manny" Mejia
Mona Louise Rey
as Jennifer "Jenny" S. Montereal
Gabby Eigenmann
as Desmond Montereal / Michael Sison
Leandro Baldemor
as Philip Arboleda
Ynez Veneracion
as Claire Montereal
Neil Ryan Sese
as Simeon Velasco
Krystal Reyes
as Gemmalyn "Gemma" Sarmiento
Kristoffer Martin
as Timothy James "TJ" Navarro-Arboleda