The Last Prince is a fantasy Philippine drama produced by GMA Drama, featuring many fairy tales as a plot device such as Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty and the Beast. It is directed by Mac Alejandre and developed by R.J. Nuevas, starring Aljur Abrenica, Kris Bernal, Geoff Eigenmann and Carla Abellana. It premiered on January 11, 2010 on GMA Network. It is aired internationally, with a two-day delay on GMA Pinoy TV, in which the show premiered on January 13, 2010 and ended on June 29, 2010. The show is part of the GMA 60th Year Celebration Offering.
Aljur Abrenica
as Almiro
Kris Bernal
as Lara Fernandez
Bianca King
as Bawana
Eula Valdez
as Adela
Angelu de Leon
as Mayang
Carmina Villarroel
as Lamara
Emilio Garcia
as Adorno
Chanda Romero
as Rosata
Chynna Ortaleza
as Lourdez
Benjie Paras
as Rizayo
Paolo Ballesteros
as Anexi
Karen delos Reyes
as Minnie