Under one roof with her family, a widowed mother manipulates the lives of her children and their spouses, sparking conflicts over traditions and personal desires... All in the name of her suffocating love for them.
أحمد بن حسين
as سعود
إلهام الفضالة
as جميلة
حسين الحداد
as عبدالرزاق
as وداد
Shahad Al Yasen
as حنان
في الشرقاوي
as سعاد
Layali Dehrab
as طيبة
شيلاء سبت
as نوف
زينب كرم
as أوراد
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10