Bad Girls is a British television drama series that was broadcast on ITV from 1 June 1999 to 20 December 2006 and starred Simone Lahbib, Mandana Jones, Debra Stephenson, Linda Henry, Jack Ellis and many more throughout the eight-year run. The series was broadcast in 17 countries and was produced by Shed Productions, the company which later produced Footballers' Wives and Waterloo Road. It is set in the fictional women's prison of Larkhall, and features a mixture of serious and light storylines focusing on the prisoners and staff of G Wing. From 2010, the UK broadcast rights were bought by CBS Drama, and is repeated regularly – as of September 2012, the channel is re-running the series again in a late-night time slot.
Victoria Alcock
as Julie Saunders
Kika Mirylees
as Julie Johnston
Helen Fraser
as Sylvia Hollamby
Antonia Okonma
as Darlene Cake
Nicola Stapleton
as Janine Nebeski
Stephanie Beacham
as Phyllida Oswyn
Amanda Barrie
as Beverley Tull
Liz May Brice
as Pat Kerrigan
Victoria Bush
as Tina O'Kane
Amanda Donohoe
as Lou Stoke
Angela Bruce
as Mandy Goodhue
Colin Salmon
as Dr. Rowan Dunlop