The series 'Aban' is a psychological and social drama that follows the story of a genius in artificial intelligence named Aban, who has developed an algorithm for profitable investments in financial markets. However, Aban faces a critical situation with his former investor and now must quickly settle a multi-billion-dollar debt; otherwise, he will go to prison.
شهاب حسینی
as Fariborz Sabeti
Amin Hayaei
as Babak Mahmoodi
Lale Marzban
as Aban Esfandiyari
مینا ساداتی
as Hediyeh Pazuki
بهاره کیانافشار
رضا اخلاقی راد
Mirsaeed Molavian
as Amir Parto
Manouchehr Zendeh Del
Hamid Ebrahimi
Rahim Norouzi
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4