Melody, an educator at the renowned Raccoon Academy, was pushed by a child from the top of the stairs, leaving her with a broken arm and incalculable psychological after-effects. Who did it? Mystery.
Chantal Fontaine
as Louise
Jacques L'Heureux
as Gérald
Annick Bergeron
as Marie-France Thompson
Catherine Chabot
as Catherine
Jean-Simon Leduc
as Francis
Isabeau Blanche
as Stéphanie
Jean-François Provençal
as Bernard Moreau
Leïla Thibeault-Louchem
as Nicole
Penande Estime
as Yza
Rose-Anne Déry
as Mylène
Antoine Yared
as Nassim
Marc Auger-Gosselin
as Luc
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10