Twins Phoebe and Max Thunderman embark on a mission to alleviate the threat in the seaside town of Secret Shores, as well as helping Chloe develop her superhero abilities by bringing her along on their undercover mission. Chloe forms a bond with two classmates while they investigate suspicious activity coming from the local school, who don’t realize their new friend has secret powers. As the danger increases, the Thunderman trio must stay in town indefinitely, leaving the squabbling twins in charge of raising their younger sister.
Kira Kosarin
as Phoebe Thunderman
Jack Griffo
as Max Thunderman
Maya Le Clark
as Chloe Thunderman
Nathan Broxton
as Jinx
Kinley Cunningham
as Kombucha
Tony Alcantar
as Brain Freeze
Daran Norris
as Thunderford
Dana Snyder
as Dr. Colosso
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13