Journalist Alexander Vetrov is a sensation hunter. His specialty is mysterious incidents and murders. Each of his materials is the result of an independent investigation. Every now and then Alexander gets involved in dangerous adventures that can cost him his life. But even that doesn't stop the resourceful stringer. Alexander will have to solve the mystery of the return to the Sablinsky caves of the legendary strangler from the distant 50s, find the werewolves terrorizing the city, expose the criminals involved in organ transplantation, unravel the almost mystical case of the cursed apartment...
Андрей Краско
as Александр Иванович Ветров
Alexey Potemkin
as Леонид, следователь
Nikolay Burov
as Сергей Петрович
Аркадий Коваль
as Отто Крампе
Роман Агеев
as патологоанатом
Николай Бех
as офтальмолог
Татьяна Филиппова
as Светлана
Anna Geller
as подруга Светы
Фёдор Лавров
as Витек
Дмитрий Карпов
as Николай
Виктор Терехов
as дед
Александр Машанов
as следователь
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8