Hezekiah and Alec, two friends from Jamaica, finds themselves thrust into the criminal underbelly of London's East End. Here they meet Mary Carr, Queen of an all-female criminal gang known as the Forty Elephants, and run afoul of Sugar Goodson, criminal kingpin and notorious boxer.
Malachi Kirby
as Hezekiah Moscow
Erin Doherty
as Mary Carr
James Nelson-Joyce
as Edward 'Treacle' Goodson
Jason Tobin
as Mr Lao
Darci Shaw
as Alice Diamond
Francis Lovehall
as Alec Munroe
Hannah Walters
as Eliza Moody
Morgan Hilaire
as Esme Long
Caoilfhionn Dunne
as Anne Glover
Jemma Carlton
as Belle Downer
Nadia Albina
as Verity Ross
Tom Davis
as Charlie Mitchell
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6