Mark Twain is a documentary film on the life of Mark Twain also known as Samuel Clements produced by Ken Burns in 2001. Burns captures both the public and private persona of Mark Twain from his birth to his death. The film was narrated by Keith David and the voice of Mark Twain was provided by Kevin Conway.
Keith David
as Narrator (voice)
Kevin Conway
as Mark Twain (voice)
Philip Bosco
as Other Voices (voice)
Blythe Danner
as Olivia 'Livy' Langdon Clemens (voice)
Tim Clark
as Other Voices (voice)
Carolyn McCormick
as Other Voices (voice)
Amy Madigan
as Other Voices (voice)
Cynthia Nixon
as Other Voices (voice)
John Boyer
as self
Jocelyn Chadwick
as self
Shelly Fisher Fishkin
as self
Dick Gregory
as self