Kutumb was a popular daily Indian television drama telecast on Sony Entertainment Television. The show was aired on October 29, 2001 and went off air on February 7, 2003. The show had two seasons, however, the seasons plot were not inter-related at all, more like two series. However, both series revolve around principal characters of Pratham and Gauri, and their love and "Kutumb"
Hiten Tejwani
as Pratham Mittal
Gauri Pradhan Tejwani
as Gauri Agarwal / Gauri Pratham Mittal
Sakshi Tanwar
as Maya Sanjay Mittal
as Choti Dadi
Kishwer Merchant
as Swati
Ali Asgar
as Samay Mittal
Jayati Bhatia
as Kavita Ajay Mittal
Meghha Chheda
as Sanskruti
Shama Deshpande
as Gayatri Umesh Mittal
Lily Patel
as Badi Dadi