La Venganza, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and RTI Colombia. This limited-run series ran for 127 episodes from November 4, 2002 to May 16, 2003. The soap opera was starred by Gabriela Spanic, José Ángel Llamas and Catherine Siachoque.
Nury Flores
as Tobago Christmas
Orlando Miguel
as Felipe Rangel
Gabriela Spanic
as Valentina Díaz
José Ángel Llamas
as Luis Miguel Ariza
Catherine Siachoque
as Grazzia Fontana
Carlos Duplat Sanjuan
as Danilo Fontana
Margalida Castro
as Concepcion Fernandez
Millie Ruperto
as Bernardina Perez "Brenda Lee"
Marcela Carvajal
as Raquel de Valerugo
Bárbara Garófalo
as Mariangel Ariza