Kasauti Zindagii Kay often abbreviated as KZK is a popular Indian soap opera that aired on STAR Plus channel from 2001-2008. The Show star cast Shweta Tiwari, Cezzane Khan & Ronit Roy in Leads, and Urvashi Dholakia as the main antagonist. The Show was the Story of Prena and Anurag who eventually fall in love with each other, But they never get closer, and Komolika makes plans against their affair, it describes Anurag and Prerna—lovers who were separated throughout their lives but achieved union in death.
Kasautii Zindagii Ki was the 3rd most popular and 2nd most awarded show that aired on Star Plus from 2001 to 2008. The show ranked at no# 3 among Star Plus' best shows after Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi & Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii. The show won many awards for Best Series and its direction.
Hiten Tejwani
as Anurag Basu
Shweta Tiwari
as Prerna Sharma
Smita Bansal
as Nivedita Basu
Urvashi Dholakia
as Komolika Basu
Ronit Roy
as Rishabh Bajaj
Jennifer Winget
as Sneha Basu/Gill
Karanvir Bohra
as Prem Basu
Barkha Bisht
as Diya Sengupta
Karan Singh Grover
as Sharad Gupta
Sreejita De
as Gargi Bajaj
Prachi Desai
as Prachi Chauhan
Shabbir Ahluwalia
as Omi Gill