The Dungeon Run is an actual play Dungeons and Dragons show that has been enchanting audiences of all ages since 2019 with their incredible story, characters, visuals, live music and viewer interactivity.
Join our outstanding team of Dungeon Masters and the heroes of our stories as they fight to save the world from mysterious enemies with magic, love, wit, and... lots of costumes.
Jarred Kjack
as Himself / Siv Redthistle / The Dungeon Master
Morgan Peter Brown
as Himself / James Quillis / Valcorio Lunaris
Katie Michels
as Herself / Lily Dumblestuck / Ursula Scratch
Ronald Ogden
as Himself / Uggo Ragefist / Uggo Truthseeker / The Dungeon Master
Jessica Lynn Parsons
as Herself / Fahima Tadgh / Saint of Irijji Willowstep
Surena Marie
as Self / Octavius Boxcutter
Kari Lee Cartwright
as Self / Koko Aldershadow
Adam Slemon
as Self / Cristobal De La Cruz
Josephine McAdam
as Self / Rhea Stone