This action and adventure comedy is drawn in simple appearance and combines cute forest animals with extreme graphic violence. Each episode revolves around the characters enduring accidental events of bloodshed, pain, dismemberment and/or death.
Kenn Navarro
as Cuddles / Lifty / Shifty (voice)
Ellen Connell
as Giggles / Petunia / Cub (voice)
Aubrey Ankrum
as Flippy / Pop (voice)
David Winn
as Lumpy / Splendid (voice)
Warren Graff
as Toothy / Handy (voice)
Michael 'Lippy' Lipman
as Nutty (voice)
Francis Carr
as Russell (voice)
Wes Spencer
as Mr. Pickles (voice)
Nica Lorber
as Flaky (voice)
Liz Stuart
as Sniffles (voice)