This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of students and staff as they navigate the challenges and pressures of the culinary world—delving into their personal and professional lives, revealing secrets, rivalries, and complex relationships.
Aurélie Pons
as Salomé Dekens
Julie Sassoust
as Anaïs Grimbert
Rébecca Benhamour
as Célia Gaissac
Nicolas Anselmo
as Eliott Prevost
Catherine Davydzenka
as Hortense Rochemont
Alizée Bochet
as Ludivine Rivière
Sidney Cadot-Sambosi
as Louane Rivière
Marvin Pellegrino
as Mehdi Mabsoute
Pola Petrenko
as Charlène Teyssier
Sarah Fitri
as Marta Guéraud
Géraldine Rivière
as Amandine Delprat
Francis Huster
as Auguste Armand