It's the summer after high school graduation and Gabriela, a young undocumented Guatemalan woman, pursues her dream of swimming for an illustrious Country Club swim team. Despite her single-minded determination, Gabriela is continually confronted with her overprotective mother’s ears, limitations on her economic and legal status, and self-judgment. As she questions her self-worth against the structures of contemporary American Southern life, Gabriela embarks on a quest towards personal freedom and self-acceptance.
Evelyn Lorena
as Gabriela
María Telón
as Alma
Viktor White
as Stefan
Colton Embree
as John
Abrielle Josephine Cincotti
as Lady
Cassie Poirier
as Mary (voice)
Finley Ramsey
as Stefan's Cousin
Colby Burton
as Friend
Lara Lihiya
as Sarah, Counselor (voice)
Rae Olivier
as Mystie (voice)