The Seven Dwarves live deep within a female-free-zone of the Enchanted Forest, but they cannot resist the innocent charms of Snow White when she enters their world. So when the evil queen abducts her, it is up to the dwarves to save her life.
Otto Waalkes
as Bubi
Heinz Hoenig
as Brummboss
Mirco Nontschew
as Tschakko
Boris Aljinovic
as Cloudy
Markus Majowski
as Cookie
Martin Schneider
as Speedy
Ralf Schmitz
as Sunny
Cosma Shiva Hagen
as Snow White
Nina Hagen
as The Queen
Hans Werner Olm
as Spliss
Atze Schröder
as Jester
Christian Tramitz
as The Hunter