In a war-torn African country, a small group of young people, led by Mão-de-Ferro, a traumatized and violent war child, arrive in a mysterious city where children, abandoned by adults, have created their own utopian republic.
Danny Glover
as Dubem
Hedviges Mamudo
as Mão-de-Ferro
Melanie de Vales
as Nuta
Joyce Simbine Saiete
as Fatima
Bruno Mauro Armindo Nhavene
as Ayma
Anaïs Adrianopoulos
as Bia
Stephen Carew
as Toni
Maurice Ngwakum
as Chico
Esther Ugochinvere Nwokocha
as Amiga
Verónica Nneamaka Nwokocha
as Aimée
Kherin Ramutala
as Baifaz
Georgina João Cosa
as Girl