Michiko Sakuraba (Mami Ogawa), a secretary at the Morio Kikuchi Law Office, located in a corner of the business district, takes out a concert ticket from her handbag and smiles. After her work is finished, she is going to go with Kikuchi. Then a woman around 20 years old appeared. Kikuchi introduced Michiko to her fiancé, who was surprised. That night, Michiko, deeply saddened, drank a glass alone at the cafe bar. The other guests were couples. Some men and women grope each other's bodies. Michiko returns to her room and comforts herself with a hot shower...
Mami Ogawa
as Michiko Sakuraba
Hitomi Hoshi
as Yuka Kobashi, Morio's fiancée
Yûka Asami
Keiko Kaga
Toshihiro Satô
Hideya Maruyama
Mikkī Yanai
Ken'ichi Tanaka
as Mr. Naira
Kyōhei Kuraoka
as Lawyer Morio Kikuchi
Chiaki Nanjô
as Minami