'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their love dilemma to solve throughout the night, all connected by the issues of this generation. It's their last night as teenagers. The last night with friends before being separated by different colleges. The last night before the rest of their lives.
Marina Moschen
as Nina
Christian Malheiros
as Nathan
Thalita Meneghim
as Bianca
Giulia Gayoso
as Marina
Leo Cidade
as Leandro
Victor Meyniel
as Leo
Victor Lamoglia
as Caio
Muse Maya
as Zelda
Richard Abelha
as Diego
Caíque Nogueira
as Juliano
Zezé Motta
as Nathan's Mom
Ingrid da Matta
as Ana (Passed Out Ambulance)