Picking up two years after the events of the first film, we follow Riley Conner and his friends as they leave to celebrate Christmas at a secluded cabin in the mountains after an anonymous tip providing Riley's home address was given to an ambitious reporter who has written a book about the events of the first film entitled "Terror In Pine Valley" and will go to any length to get a statement from Riley. Upon arriving at the cabin, Riley is met with some familiar faces. However, someone is out there watching and waiting to kill again, but the question is who could it be? This is going to be one hell of a Christmas reunion.
Lisa Wilcox
as Laurel Conner
Hayden Newman
as Riley Conner
Mark Patton
as Ryan Lavery
Johnna Hodge
as Jen
Danny Hassel
as Clay Carpenter
James Stokes
as Sheriff Mike Prescott
Lydia Manson
as Alaina
Jeremiah Lee Steinert
as Brady Conner
Kelly Layne
as Claire
Darren Lee Cupp
as Wes
Jake C. Young
as Julian