Lying in bed, Tsar Dodon dreams of retirement. The problem is, people keep invading his country. His astrologer offers him a golden cockerel with magical powers, a weather vane which indicates from which direction danger will come. In his case, it will be from the East in the shape of a charming oriental princess determined to conquer his kingdom.
Dmitry Ulyanov
as Le tsar Dodon
Andrey Popov
as L'astrologue
Mischa Schelomianski
as Polkan
Nina Minasyan
as La reine de Chemakha
Margarita Nekrasova
as Amelfa
Andrey Zhilikhovsky
as Le tsarévitch Aphron
Maria Nazarova
as La voix du Coq d'or
Vasily Efimov
as Tsar Guidon
Wilfried Gonon
as Le Coq d'or