Tells the story of Rainbow Randolph, the corrupt, costumed star of a popular children's TV show, who is fired over a bribery scandal and replaced by squeaky-clean Smoochy, a puffy fuchsia rhinoceros. As Smoochy catapults to fame - scoring hit ratings and the affections of a network executive - Randolph makes the unsuspecting rhino the target of his numerous outrageous attempts to exact revenge and reclaim his status as America's sweetheart.
Robin Williams
as Rainbow Randolph
Edward Norton
as Sheldon Mopes / Smoochy
Catherine Keener
as Nora Wells
Danny DeVito
as Burke Bennett
Jon Stewart
as Marion Frank Stokes
Pam Ferris
as Tommy Cotter
Danny Woodburn
as Angelo Pike
Michael Rispoli
as Spinner Dunn
Harvey Fierstein
as Merv Green
Vincent Schiavelli
as Buggy Ding Dong
Craig Eldridge
as Husband
Judy White
as Wife