Stelvio Massi's crime thriller centers on a drifter who sets out to help blue-collar workers rise up against the two powerful families who are exploiting them. After settling in an industrial town and witnessing the cruelty of the factory owners, ex-mercenary Marco (Carlos Monzón) assumes the role of union agitator. When a violent confrontation erupts, the labor leader is driven to bring down the corrupt clans.
Luc Merenda
as Rico Manzetti
Carlos Monzón
as Marco Russo
Mariangela Giordano
as Lisa's mother
Gianni Dei
as Beny Manzetti
Luisa Maneri
as Lisa
Leonora Fani
as Nina
Giampiero Albertini
as Sapienza
Mario Brega
as Bobo Belmondo
Susana Giménez
as Maristella
Giovanni Cianfriglia
as Rico henchman
Nello Pazzafini
as Rico henchman
Claudio Ruffini
as Rico henchman