This harrowing tale of survival centers on Rose, a Masurian woman, whose German soldier husband was killed in the war, leaving her alone on their farm. A single woman had no defense against Russian soldiers who raped as a form of revenge, nor against plundering Poles who found themselves in desperate straits. Help arrives for Rose in the form of Tadeusz, a former officer in the Polish Home Army who deserted after he saw his wife raped and murdered by Russian troops and is attempting to hide his identity.
Marcin Dorociński
as Tadeusz
Agata Kulesza
as Róża Kwiatkowska
Malwina Buss
as Jadwiga Kwiatkowska
Jacek Braciak
as Władek
Kinga Preis
as Amelia
Edward Linde-Lubaszenko
as Pastor
Marian Dziędziel
as Mateusz
Eryk Lubos
as Wasyl
Andrzej Konopka
as Lekarz Leliwa
Marcin Juchniewicz
as Kumpel Wasyla
Szymon Bobrowski
as Kazik
Karolina Porcari
as Anna