An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children's educational ABC books, the film comprises 26 individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death.
Ingrid Bolsø Berdal
as Frau Scheisse (voice)
Erik Audé
as Fighter
Iván González
as Bobo
Kyra Zagorsky
as Lainey
Peter Pedrero
as Hooded Man
Dallas Malloy
Lee Hardcastle
as Dad
Lucy Clements
as Lulu
as Roxanne
as Yoshie
Matías Oviedo
as Bruno (segment "Cycle")
Chems Dahmani
as A Bad Guy