Masked vigilantes Charge (Jason Trost), Cutthroat (Lucas Till), The Wall (Lee Valmassy), and Shadow (Sophie Merkley) are rendered powerless by their archenemy (James Remar) and are forced to complete a series of deadly tasks in order to save the lives of more than 100 innocent civilians. Should they fail or refuse to cooperate, the entire town will be destroyed. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Jason Trost
as Charge / John
Lucas Till
as Cutthroat / Ben
James Remar
as Rickshaw
Sophie Merkley
as Shadow / Jill
Lee Valmassy
as The Wall / Innocent
Sean Whalen
as Manpower
Nick Principe
as Sledgesaw
Brian Taylor
as Man
George Holdcroft
as Innocent
Alexis Acosta
as Innocent
Rich White
as Innocent