A journey along the Inlandsbanan, from Mora to Gällivare, in the last summer of 1991 when the passenger traffic is to be shut down. A decision and its consequences. A film about the view of Norrland in these EC times.
Tom Alandh
as Self - Speakerröst
Ulf Adelsohn
as Self - Partiledare för Moderaterna
Lars Peterson
as Self - Generaldirektör SJ (1973)
Georg Andersson
as Self - Kommunikationsminister (1989-1991)
Harry Forsberg
as Self - Järnvägsman
Rolf Clarksson
as Self - Vice Ordf. Trafikutskottet
Arne Ring
as Self - Kommunalråd i Sveg
Olle Bylesjö
as Self - Chef för Banverkets Norra Regionen
Nils-Olod Gustafsson
as Self - Riksdagsman
Göran Lindgren
as Self - Chef över Inlandskommunerna
C-H Jonasson
as Self - Reparatör
Eric Jönsson
as Self - Lokförare