Vikram, an honest officer with the Lucknow police, is on a mission to find and eliminate gangster Vedha. However, when Vedha surrenders himself to the police and starts narrating stories to Vikram, it blurs the lines between good and evil. Vedha questions Vikram's righteousness while the latter believes he is fair and just. But is he?
Saif Ali Khan
as Vikram
Hrithik Roshan
as Vedha
Radhika Apte
as Priya
Rohit Saraf
as Krishna aka 'Shatak'
Yogita Bihani
as Chanda
Sharib Hashmi
as Babloo
Satyadeep Misra
as SSP Abbas
Sudhanva Deshpande
as IG
Govind Pandey
as Parshuram Pandey
Manuj Sharma
as Constable Deepak Dubey
Saurabh Sharma
as SI Ansari
Vijay Sanap
as SI Ranjan