Dismissed from the railroads in 1863 for his union activities, Etienne Lantier found a job at the Voreux coal mine. But work was hard, wages were low and safety left much to be desired. Lantier tried to organize the miners into a union. When mine manager Hennebeau refused to negotiate, the workers launched a general strike, which ended with the intervention of the troops.
Jean Sorel
as Étienne Lantier
Berthe Granval
as Catherine Maheu
Claude Brasseur
as Martin Chaval
Philippe Lemaire
as Henri Negrel
Claude Cerval
as Victor Maigrat
Bernard Blier
as Hennebeau
Jacqueline Porel
as Madame Maigrat
Zoltán Makláry
as Bonnemort
Simone Valère
as Madame Hennebeau
Sándor Pécsi
as Maheu
Michèle Cordoue
as Widow Désir
Marianne Krencsey
as 'La Mouquette'