A noir thriller set in Miami, the film follows an enforcer who discovers his femme fatale boss has branched out into cyber sex trafficking, putting a young runaway he’s befriended at risk. He sacrifices everything to save the young girl from the deadly organization he’s spent his life building.
Antonio Banderas
as Cuda
Kate Bosworth
as Estelle
Mojean Aria
as Stray
Alexis Ren
as Lexus
Zolee Griggs
as Billie
2 Chainz
as Freddie
Aaron Cohen
as Joe
Natalie Burn
as Olivia
Mark Rhino Smith
as Doom
Luke Bouchier
as Paycheck
Κίκα Γεωργίου
as Medina
Κώστας Σόμμερ
as Ronnie