Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink in 'the Bathtub', a southern Delta community at the edge of the world. Wink’s tough love prepares her for the unraveling of the universe—for a time when he’s no longer there to protect her. When Wink contracts a mysterious illness, nature flies out of whack—temperatures rise, and the ice caps melt, unleashing an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs. With the waters rising, the aurochs coming, and Wink’s health fading, Hushpuppy goes in search of her lost mother.
Quvenzhané Wallis
as Hushpuppy
Dwight Henry
as Wink
Levy Easterly
as Jean Battiste
Gina Montana
as Miss Bathsheeba
Lowell Landes
as Walrus
Pamela Harper
as Little Jo
Amber Henry
as LZA
Jonshel Alexander
as Joy Strong
Nicholas Clark
as Boy with Bell
Joseph Brown
as Winston
Henry D. Coleman
as Peter T
Kaliana Brower
as T-Lou