The film takes place in 19th Century British India and is the story of the fight for independence from the British in the years spanning from 1825 to 1875. It tells the story of two men who led the war against British Rule, Sanga and Bharat both of whom call themselves Kranti.
Dilip Kumar
as Sanga/Kranti
Manoj Kumar
as Bharat/Kranti
Shashi Kapoor
as Shakti
Hema Malini
as Rajkumari Meenakshi
Shatrughan Sinha
as Kareem Khan
Parveen Babi
as Sureli
as Sheetal
Nirupa Roy
as Radha
Prem Chopra
as Shambhu Singh
Pradeep Kumar
as Shamsher Singh
Veeru Devgun
as Sir Thomas
Madan Puri
as Sher Singh