LETTERS, a dramatic historical fiction written by Mrs. Evelyn Merritt in 2010, tells the story of U.S. soldiers and their loved ones through their correspondence beginning with the Civil War and ending with the War in Iraq. Sahuarita High School students adapted the Readers’ Theatre play into a movie, reasoning the student actors would be kept safe from Covid-19 by filming them individually, and afterward the footage could be reassembled into a screenplay following the original dialogue.
Riley Williams
as Caleb
Baelyan King
as Ben
Jaydon Brown
as Robert
Dominique Valenzuela
as Katie
Vincent Garcia
as John
Teagan King
as Richie / Iris
Bridgette Lewie
as Janice
Annalisa Rodriguez
as Shawna
Suzy Sirmons
as Tammy
Thomas Johnson
as Billy
Emily Stephenson
as Harriet
McKenzie Whiting
as Elsie