Through a series of unfortunate events, three mummies end up in present-day London and embark on a wacky and hilarious journey in search of an old ring belonging to the Royal Family, stolen by ambitious archaeologist Lord Carnaby.
Joe Thomas
as Thut (voice)
Eleanor Tomlinson
as Nefer (voice)
Hugh Bonneville
as Lord Carnaby (voice)
Celia Imrie
as Mother Carnaby (voice)
Sean Bean
as Pharaoh (voice)
Dan Starkey
as Danny and Dennys (voice)
Óscar Barberán
as Thut (voice)
Ana Esther Alborg
as Nefer (voice)
Luis Pérez Reina
as Carnaby (voice)
María Luisa Solá
as Madre (voice)
Jaume Solà
as Sekhem (voice)
José Luis Mediavilla
as Ed (voice)