When Covid-19 hit New York City in 2020, filmmaker Matthew Heineman gained unique access to one of New York’s hardest-hit hospital systems. The resulting film focuses on the doctors, nurses, and patients on the frontlines during the “first wave” from March to June 2020. Their distinct storylines each serve as a microcosm to understand how the city persevered through the worst pandemic in a century
Nathalie Dougé
as Self
Alexis Ellis
as Self - Ahmed's Wife
Kellie Wunsch
as Self
Brussels Jabon
as Self
Naph Jabon
as Self - Brussels' Husband
Athens Garrote
as Self - Brussels' Sister
Andrew Cuomo
as Self (archive footage)
Michael Dowling
as Self
Al Sharpton
as Self (archive footage)
Karl Arabian
as Self