In a devastated future, the apocalypse threatens the Earth. The last hope lies with a man capable of time travel. His mission: to return to the past and change the course of events. But the time police hunts him down in every era. A race against time begins for the Visitor from the Future...
Florent Dorin
as Le Visiteur
Enya Baroux
as Alice
Raphaël Descraques
as Raph
Arnaud Ducret
as Gilbert
Slimane-Baptiste Berhoun
as Dr Henry Castafolte
Mathieu Poggi
as Mattéo
Audrey Pirault
as Louise
Lénie Chérino
as Constance
Simon Astier
as Michel Millot
as Richard
Vincent Tirel
as Victor
Julie Farenc
as Cathy